Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Pool Review: Deepbit

Deepbit is the biggest pool out there with some charts showing that it has just under 50% of the marketshare. Some people brand this a bad thing as it is taking away the decentralised nature that Bitcoin is based on, however for those people who just want to see numbers that keep rising constantly then this is the best pool for you.

The main advantage that Deepbit has is that they offer a PayPerShare mode that means that you get a constant amount of bitcoins (0.00005129803015564 at the moment) per share the system sends you, meaning that you get a more steady income than if you were to go proportional, however there is an increased fee on this method as the pool is taking the risk for you. Another advantage due to its size is that the money earned from the last block does not need to go through the standard confirmation procedure and instead is credited straight to your balance. This means that you still get credited for the block even if it is invalid. It also means that you do not have to wait for up to 6 hours for your earnings to be confirmed which can often be annoying for those starting out and wanting to get rich quick.

The main Gripe I have with the pool is the web interface is not as slick as Slush's. However the setup is the same. Since the DDOS the security hasn't visibly stepped up a notch, which is slightly worrying and doesn't inspire much confidence. It could be that they have added more behind the scenes but it nice to see that they are doing something. But they did drop the fee completely from Proportional as compensation for the lost time.

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